Protection of the oral mucosa
The mucosal barrier in delicate situations
The mucosal barrier in delicate situations
In the same way that the skin has specific characteristics depending on the anatomical area in which it is located, the mucosa also has specific properties adapted to local needs.
The oral cavity, as a way of entering the body, needs its mucosa to offer protection against penetration of unwanted substances and subjects. A balanced microbiota and saliva, among others, are the tools that the oral mucosa uses to maintain the conditions that ensure its protective activity.
Day-to-day situations such as aggressive oral hygiene or the use of certain substances or principles can be to the first trigger a negative response with a brittle mucosa, loosing its protection.
Stress, poor diet, hormonal changes, toxic subtances like alcohol or tobacco, harsch procedures such as chemotherapy or radiotherapy are some examples of factors that, in the face of a weakened mucosa, can challenge the barrier function of the oral mucosa.
Harsch oral hygiene products act against the mucosa. Its continued use for is an attack on the balance of the oral microbiome, whose function, among others, is to retain moisture in the tissue. The dehydrated tissue swells and becomes weak and brittle, succumbing to the small challenges of everyday life or the threats of exceptional aggression in delicate situations.
XCM® Oral Mucosa forms a film on the surface of the mucosa that moisturises and protects it keeping it in good condition.